Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I want to come back as a brick.

Being human really sucks. You come into the world knowing you are going to leave it just as suddenly as you came. Logically, why would you get into something that you know for sure will end? Don’t get me wrong, suicide is not the answer cos you are ending it anyway, but I’d like to know what the point of investing yourself into making this life thing work when you know that at any given moment you could die? Is it better to get a taste of good life, than just die young and spare yourself the trouble?

Humans worm around all day planning life… planning work… planning love when all the above are unpredictable and pointless. Take the most obvious example… love (and of course I am going to choose love cos it’s the only one of the 3 that I am familiar with)… when in love things are wonderful… but you seldom feel this without first having known what it was for things to be awful. Love has to hurt so that when it doesn’t, you can appreciate it. Anyway at some stage or another, IT WILL END. Either you are broken apart by stupid worldly factors like infidelity or change, or one of you die and leave the other heartbroken. If we know this from the beginning, then WHY IN THE WORLD do we even bother? When we know that the one thing that makes you carry on being human is the same thing that will eventually lead to your demise?

So I ran through a list of the things I might want to return to the world as, seeing as how humans probably have it worse than anything else. First I thought of being an ant cos they are basically programmed, even though they die really young, at least you come in to the world and work together towards a greater goal… there is no individualism.. if one ant dies no ants even wince because more are on their way. There is none of this complicated human babble about missing people and not being able to function without them, or anxiety attacks about the future and five year plans. There’s no time for bullshit. The only downfall about being an ant is that you work your ass off and have little time to laugh. If I were an ant I would definitely sneak away sometimes to watch stupid humans and laugh my ass off… but then again if I were an ant that thought wouldn’t come to me. So I choose to be a brick. You are an important part of a whole, and you are semi-permanent. Plus you get to watch stupid humans walk around all day, with no fear of being squashed or even acknowledged. You have tons of friends who are doing the same thing as you so conversation flows constantly. The best part is that self-important humans walk around with their evolutionary noses up in the air thinking they have the last word… while bricks actually rule the world. We have the last laugh. We outlive all those idiots who plastered us together to begin with.

The third little piggy had it right. The straw house blew away, the house of sticks blew away, the only one still standing is the house of bricks.

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